Information on the protection of personal data (GDPR)

Dear Patients,

In connection with the applicable provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) we would like to inform you that your Personal Data is processed in an appropriate way, matching GDPR provisions as well as provisions of the act on the protection of personal data.

Aiming at the fulfilment of all obligations resulting from the fact of processing your Personal Data, please find below short information concerning the rules of this processing, your rights and our obligations. Please read this information carefully and in case of any questions contact us following the guidelines specified below.

The controller of your Personal Data (“Controller”) is:

The Company Centrum Nowoczesnych Terapii "Dobry Lekarz" spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
with its registered seat in Cracow (Plac Szczepański 3, 31-011 Kraków)

Your Personal Data provided to the Controller, such as your name, surname, date and place of birth, place of (permanent) residence, phone number, e-mail address, correspondence address, Polish Resident ID Number PESEL, Tax ID Number NIP, your health records are processed as it is necessary for the performance of the agreement of which you are a Party or it is necessary for the purposes resulting from legally justified interests of the Controller. The notion of Controller’s legally justified interests includes the necessity to process your personal data in connection with the performance of the agreement to which you are not a Party, but in the performance of which you are taking an active and conscious part, the performance of which directly influences your justified rights and interests, such as your health.

As a rule, your Personal Data shall be processed exclusively by the Controller, but sometimes, it may be necessary to make the data in question available to other data recipients, in particular to the entities cooperating with the Controller and providing services on their behalf, such as: entities providing the Controller with legal, notarial, advisory, financial and IT services as well as courts and administrative bodies if necessary or if such obligation results from legal provisions commonly in force or if it is performed exclusively upon your request.

You have the right to access the content of your personal data as well as to amend it, have it removed (but exclusively in connection with the data which do not refer to keeping medical records) or have its processing limited (but exclusively in connection with the data which do not refer to keeping medical records), the right to transfer the data (but exclusively in connection with the data which is processed automatically), the right to file a complaint (but exclusively in connection with the data which do not refer to keeping medical records), to obtain a copy of your data as well as the right to file a complaint to the supervisory body with reference to the protection of personal data (Data Protection Commissioner) when you state that the processing of your personal data violates the regulations on the protection of personal data or your justified interests.

Your Personal Data shall be processed by the Controller exclusively for the purposes of performance of the abovementioned agreement. What is more, your Personal Data shall be removed when there is no justified obligation to keep them for permitted purposes and the Controller shall not be legally obliged to continue to store such data or authorized in another way to do so. In particular, your Personal Data shall be preserved, when necessary, for the Controller to be able to seek claims or defend themselves in connection with the claims, until the expiry of the appropriate limitation period or until the settlement of claims in question.

Your Personal Data shall be processed exclusively within the territory of the European Union and shall not be processed in an automated way (in particular referring to profiling).

Providing your Personal Data is required for us to be able to provide you with our medical services.

You can fulfil your rights by contacting the Commissioner for the Protection of Personal Data, sending a traditional letter to the address Plac Szczepański 3, 31-011 Kraków, an e-mail to the address of the Controller, or by phone, number +48 12 430 60 67, +48 791 463 018.

MD,  Agata Adamkiewicz-Piejko

Agata Adamkiewicz-Piejko

geriatria, medycyna paliatywna, specjalista chorób wewnętrznych
  • geriatria
  • choroby wewnętrzne
  • medycyna paliatywna
  • adults

She completed her medical studies in 1994 at the Faculty of Medicine at Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian University in Cracow. In 2006 she obtained the title of the Doctor of Medical Sciences for her dissertation entitled "Factors determining the variability of blood pressure” under the supervision of Professor Tomasz Grodzicki, MD, Ph.D.

She currently works at the Primary Healthcare Department of the University Hospital, at the Palliative Ward, in the PRO VITA ET SPE Non-Public Medical Centre and the Specjalmed Home Hospice in Cracow.

She is a member of the Polish Palliative Society (PTP), Polish Society of Palliative Medicine (PTMP) and Polish Society of Pain Treatment (PTLB).

Privately she is a mom of two and her hobbies are travelling, dance, music and sailing.

Completed specializations:

  • 1998 – First-Degree Specialization in Internal Diseases; 
  • 2006 - Second-Degree Specialization in Internal Diseases;
  • 2010 – specialization in Geriatrics;
  • 2014 – specialization in Palliative Medicine
dr Arkadiusz Basa

Arkadiusz Basa

  • pulmonolog
prof. dr hab. n. med. Stanisława Bazan-Socha

prof. dr hab. n. med.
Stanisława Bazan-Socha

alergolog, immunolog, internista
  • alergologia
  • immunologia
  • choroby wewnętrzne
  • dorośli

Studia medyczne ukończyła w 1996 r. na Wydziale Lekarskim Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie. Następnie odbyła tam studia doktoranckie z dziedziny biologii molekularnej. W 2001 r. uzyskała tytuł doktora nauk medycznych, obroniony z wyróżnieniem za pracę pt. „Genetyczna ekspresja syntazy leukotrienu C4 w eozynofilach krwi obwodowej u chorych na astmę oskrzelową”. Za pracę naukową w tym okresie otrzymała Stypendium Fundacji na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej dla Młodych Naukowców, Nagrodę Prezesa Rady Ministrów za rozprawę doktorską oraz wyróżnienie w Konkursie Aurelii Baczko przyznane przez Towarzystwo Popierania i Krzewienia Nauk w Warszawie.

W latach 2001-2002 przebywała na stypendium naukowym w Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia PA, USA. Była tam laureatką I nagrody w 22. dorocznym konkursie im. Dr Erwin Margulies w dziedzinie badań dotyczących nadkrzepliwości, przyznawanej w Sol Sherry Thrombosis Research Center, Temple University w Filadelfii.

W 2017 r. uzyskała tytuł doktora habilitowanego nauk medycznych za rozprawę pt. „Rola wybranych receptorów integrynowych oraz ich selektywnych inhibitorów w modulacji reakcji zapalnej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kolagenowych receptorów integrynowych w astmie”.

Od czasu ukończenia studiów związana była z II Katedrą Chorób Wewnętrznych Collegium Medicum UJ. Jest specjalistą z dziedziny chorób wewnętrznych, alergologii i immunologii klinicznej, a jej zainteresowania kliniczne i badawcze dotykają przede wszystkim tematyki schorzeń autoimmunologicznych i alergologicznych.

 Anna Betlej

Anna Betlej

Doctor Anna Chmielewska

Anna Chmielewska

alergolog, specjalista chorób wewnętrznych
  • allergology
  • internal medicine

In 1997, she graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Collegium Medicum at Jagiellonian University in Cracow.

She gained her professional experience and the title of specialist in internal medicine at Professor Andrzej Szczeklik’s 2nd Department of Internal Diseases, in the Allergy and Immunology Clinic. As she has always wanted to become an allergist, she continued her professional development at the Department of Allergology of Collegium Medicum at Jagiellonian University in Cracow under the supervision of Professor Krystyna Obtułowicz.

In her everyday practice she is involved in treating not only adults, but also children, which resulted in the title of her doctoral thesis “Allergic contact eczema in children and teenagers exacerbated by food additives”, currently in progress.

Her professional interests include in particular the allergy to pollen and its influence on the development of bronchial asthma. She promotes immunotherapy as causal treatment of allergy.

In her work as allergist she also remembers that she is a specialist in internal medicine and adopts a holistic approach towards each patient.

Privately she is a mom of four

dr Magda Chmielewska

Magda Chmielewska

dr Ewa Cichocka-Jarosz

Ewa Cichocka-Jarosz

  • alergolog
dr Katarzyna Dyczek

Katarzyna Dyczek

dr Łukasz Dyczek

Łukasz Dyczek

Doctor Małgorzata Dyczek

Małgorzata Dyczek

Clinical Research Quality Specialist
  • dermatologia z wenerologią
  • adults

Her activity in the field of clinical research began over 20 years ago, first as participant, then co-researcher and finally, head researcher.

At the Dobry Lekarz New Therapies Centre she is involved in the field of clinical research quality supervision. She attaches great importance to fulfilling GCP guidelines and the regulations in force, implementing uniform Standard Operating Procedures, their supervision and internal trainings. She also cares for the data and results achieved within the scope of conducted studies to be reliable and accurate and the rights and confidentiality of study participants appropriately protected.

dr Anna Ficek

Anna Ficek

MSc,  Katarzyna Gajda

Katarzyna Gajda

Specialist in Clinical Studies

For many years, she has been involved in the field of clinical studies where it is possible to notice intense development of the world of pharmacy and medicine. She takes part in the process of introducing medicines into the market.

She completed post-graduate studies in Management and Marketing in Healthcare at the College of Economics and Computer Science (WSEiI) in Cracow as well as the studies Clinical trials – methodology, organization and management at the Jagiellonian University. She constantly develops her knowledge by taking part in trainings and conferences, during which she shares her experience with other specialists in the field.

At the Dobry Lekarz New Therapies Centre, of which she is a co-founder, she is involved in planning and supervising the work of teams in clinical studies. She also coordinates the cooperation with pharmaceutical companies.

dr Łukasz Goliński

Łukasz Goliński

pulmonolog, internista
  • pulmonologia
  • choroby wewnętrzne

W 2005 r. ukończył studia na kierunku lekarskim Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Należał do Studenckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego przy Klinice Chorób Serca i Naczyń Krakowskiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego im. Jana Pawła II. W Szpitalu Uniwersyteckim w Krakowie odbył staż, po którym to zdecydował się zostać pulmonologiem.

W 2006 r. rozpoczął pracę na Oddziale Pulmonologii w Szpitalu Powiatowym w Proszowicach. Gałęzią specjalizacji, którą się głównie zajmuje, i w której stara się ciągle rozwijać, jest endoskopia drzewa oskrzelowego. Wykonuje bronchoskopię, ultrasonografię wewnątrzoskrzelową z możliwością przeprowadzenia biopsji zmian znajdujących się w klatce piersiowej. W przeszłości zajmował się brachyterapią raka płuc w Zakładzie Radioterapii Szpitala Wojewódzkiego im. św. Łukasza w Tarnowie, a aktualnie wykorzystuje swoje doświadczenie w tej dziedzinie w Centrum Radioterapii Amethyst w Krakowie.

W wolnych chwilach jeździ na nartach, gra w tenisa, jeździ konno, na rowerze, wędkuje oraz czyta książki.

Uzyskane specjalizacje:

  • 2012 - specjalizacja w zakresie Chorób Wewnętrznych;
  • 2016 - specjalizacja w zakresie Chorób Płuc.
Doctor Maria Ignacak-Popiel

Maria Ignacak-Popiel

  • lekarz chorób wewnętrznych
  • alergolog

Absolwentka Wydziału Lekarskiego Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Od 2012 roku związana była z II Katedrą Chorób Wewnętrznych Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie, gdzie w Oddziale Klinicznym Kliniki Alergii i Immunologii zrealizowała specjalizację z zakresu chorób wewnętrznych, a następnie alergologii. 

Od 10 lat prowadzi badania kliniczne, początkowo jako współbadacz, a następnie główny badacz. W latach 2012-2017 była wykładowcą w Szkole Medycznej dla Obcokrajowców Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. 

Jest autorką kilku publikacji naukowych oraz członkiem Polskiego Towarzystwa Alergologicznego. Aktywnie uczestniczy w zjazdach i konferencjach naukowych.

dr Urszula Jedynak

Urszula Jedynak

alergolog, pediatra
  • alergologia
  • pediatria
MSc,  Karolina Kędziora

Karolina Kędziora

nurse / coordinator
Doctor Izabella Anita Kierzkowska

Izabella Anita Kierzkowska

reumatolog, immunolog, specjalista chorób wewnętrznych
  • reumatologia
  • immunologia
  • choroby wewnętrzne
  • adults

She obtained the diploma of the Medical Academy in Warsaw in 1994. She has 20 years of experience in working at the internal diseases department. She gained it in hospitals in Cracow – the University Hospital and the Railway Hospital. For 6 years now, she has been involved in diagnostics and treatment of immunological disorders in adults.

Completed specializations:

  • 2005 – specialization in Internal Diseases;
  • 2011 – specialization in Immunology;
  • 2016 – specialization in Rheumatology.
Doctor Anna Korkosz

Anna Korkosz

dermatolog wenerolog, alergolog
  • alergologia
  • dermatologia z wenerologią
  • children

She graduated from the Medical Academy in Cracow. For many years, she has been working as attending physician of patients suffering from allergic conditions of the skin, atopic dermatitis, eczema, chronic urticaria or other chronic dermatoses, such as acne or psoriasis.

She also possesses extensive experience in the treatment, immunotherapy of allergic rhinitis, eye inflammation as well as in treating children and adult patients with bronchial asthma.

She conducts clinical research in the fields of dermatology and allergology.

Privately she is interested in gardening. She hikes, plays tennis and rides a road bike.

dr Anna Kurzyńska

Anna Kurzyńska

 Agnieszka Kotlarczyk

Agnieszka Kotlarczyk

 Magdalena Moczątko

Magdalena Moczątko

PhD,  Tomasz Pawlik

Tomasz Pawlik

  • radiologia
  • adults

Graduate of the Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian University in 2004. In 2011 he obtained the title of specialist in the field of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging.

MD,  Marcin Rzeszutko

Marcin Rzeszutko

kardiolog, specjalista chorób wewnętrznych
  • kardiologia
  • choroby wewnętrzne
  • adults

He completed his specialization in internal medicine and his doctoral studies at Professor Andrzej Szczeklik’s 2nd Department of Internal Diseases in Cracow. He worked for many years at the Ward of Internal Diseases, and currently works at the Ward of Angiology and Cardiology of the 2nd Department of Internal Diseases at Collegium Medicum at Jagiellonian University. From the very beginning of his professional activity he has been gaining the experience as interventional cardiologist performing coronary angiography and angioplasty in coronary arteries. He completed his specialization in cardiology in 2013. For over 10 years he has also been involved in teaching future young doctors as Assistant at the Angiology Clinic of Collegium Medicum at Jagiellonian University.

His scientific interests refer to explaining the role of inflammatory processes in the development of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction

dr hab. n. med. Małgorzata Sładek

dr hab. n. med.
Małgorzata Sładek

gastrolog, gastroenterolog dziecięcy
  • gastrologia
  • gastroenterologia dziecięca
MD, Wojciech Sydor

Wojciech Sydor

immunolog, angiolog, specjalista chorób wewnętrznych
  • immumolog
  • choroby wewnętrzne
  • angiolog

Absolwent Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie oraz Biologii Molekularnej na Wydziale Biochemii, Biofizyki i Biotechnologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Od 1998 roku zawodowo związany z II Katedrą Chorób Wewnętrznych Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.

Jest starszym asystentem w Oddziale Klinicznym Alergii i Immunologii Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie, II Katedrze Chorób Wewnętrznych Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w oraz wykładowcą Szkoły Medycznej dla Obcokrajowców Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.

W swojej pracy zajmuje się pacjentami z chorobami immunologicznymi oraz alergicznymi, szczególnie zaś interesuje się problematyką układowych chorób tkanki łącznej, zapaleniami naczyń, diagnostyką trombofili i leczeniem zakrzepicy żył/zatorowości płucnej oraz poszukiwaniem przyczyn niepowodzeń położniczych.

Jest autorem i współautorem wielu publikacji, doniesień naukowych oraz wytycznych postępowania ( z zakresu profilaktyki przeciwzakrzepowej, zespołu pozakrzepowego oraz wtórnych niedoborów odporności), w tym rozdziału w książce "Autoimmune Disorders - Current Concepts and Advances from Bedside to Mechanistic Insights", 2011.

Należy do Towarzystwa Internistów Polskich, Polskiego Towarzystwa Angiologicznego oraz International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis.

MSc,  Elżbieta Szaro

Elżbieta Szaro

Clinical Research Coordinator

In 1988, she finished Aleksander Szczygieł’s Medical Vocational School in Cracow, faculty of Dietetics. At that time she began her work in Stefan Żeromski’s Specialist Hospital in Cracow at the Department of Internal Diseases on the position of Dietician. She continued her work in the University Hospital at the department of Pulmonology from 1993.

In 2004 she graduated from the Hugo Kołłątaj’s University of Agriculture in Cracow, faculty of Food Technology, major Food Technology and Human Nutrition.

She is interested in treatment methods in which she was involved at the Department of Pulmonology, participating in adjusting the appropriate nutrition profile corresponding to the illness and pharmacological treatment.

She got involved in the field of clinical studies in 2012. She constantly develops her knowledge by taking part in trainings and courses.

 Katarzyna Tylek

Katarzyna Tylek

MSc, Joanna Włodarczyk

Joanna Włodarczyk

MSc,  Joanna Wolińska

Joanna Wolińska

Junior Clinical Research Quality Assistant

She holds a Master’s degree in Pharmacy, graduate of Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, coordinator of clinical research, coach.

After graduation, she worked as an intern in a private pharmacy in Cracow. Then, in 2003, she left for the United States, where in the years 2004-2014 she worked there first as Pharmacy Technician and then Pharmacy Manager.

She is connected with the Dobry Lekarz New Therapies Centre since 2017. She supervises correct course of clinical studies. She is experienced in the following areas of clinical research: pulmonology, allergology, dermatology, immunology, endocrinology.

She is constantly developing her knowledge, now studying the “Monitoring and coordination of clinical studies” at the University of Information Technology and Management (WSIiZ) in Rzeszów. In 2020 she won the Clinical Research Leaders competition in the category of Research Centre Coordinator.

MSc,  Magdalena Zapiór

Magdalena Zapiór

dietetyk kliniczny
  • dietetyka kliniczna
  • adults

She graduated from the faculty of Dietetics at the Medical Department of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. She currently studies management at the Cracow University of Economics. She is a member of Polish Association of Dieticians with the status of Medical Dietician.

She completed numerous internships in nutrition centres and specialist clinics of the University Hospital as well as kindergartens and nursing homes. After graduating from her studies, she worked as an intern at Centralna Dietetyka, a catering company with which she currently cooperates. She broadens her knowledge by taking part in various trainings and conferences. She teaches Human Nutrition and Preparing Menus at a post-secondary vocational school.

In her job she appreciates the contact with other people, is characterized by high sensitivity to other people’s problems. She devotes a lot of time to each patient, thus providing them with tailor-made diet plans

 Piotr Żurek

Piotr Żurek
